Friday, April 9, 2010

Second Release Candidate of ncWMS 1.0 now available

We are pleased to announce the release of the second release candidate of version 1.0 of ncWMS, our Web Map Service implementation for NetCDF data, now available from

This version contains numerous bug fixes and improvements from previous versions, including:
  • A refactored "core", which means that it is now much easier for ncWMS code to be reused in different settings, including THREDDS.
  • Support for 360-day calendar systems (used in some climate simulations)
  • An upgrade to version 4.1 of the NetCDF-Java libraries
  • Improved handling of complex numerical grids
Click the image below to see ncWMS in action:

    Comparing Quality Control of Argo Floats in the Global Ocean

    With the benefit of acccess to some marine operational QC data via the work of Jim Cummings at FNMOC, we are seeking to understand
    how the Argo delayed mode QC process compares with that of the operational centres. The former is a longer timescale and more
    detailed process than the latter, but how different are the outcomes?

    We have put the data in a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database and
    connected this to a web portal using OpenLayers to view the results on a map. As yet the portal is not online pending some further
    development, but a presentation on the work can be seen below

    A prototype Database and Web Portal for Comparing Argo Delayed Mode QC with that of Operational Centres (A. Gemmell) from IODE OceanTeacher on Vimeo.