Thursday, August 21, 2014

Advanced Training Course in Data assimilation and visualization in environmental sciences 15-19 Sep 2014

Fully-funded places are available for a NERC-funded advanced training course in Data assimilation and visualization in environmental sciences, to be held in the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the University of Reading, 15 -19 September 2014. The course will be delivered by scientists from the Data Assimilation Research Centre (DARC) from the University of Reading. The course is aimed at PhD students and early career researchers who are working in application areas and who wish to use data-assimilation and visualization techniques as part of their work.

Full details can be found here:

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

NERC Short Course on Software Development

We will be offering a short course in software development, aimed at environmental scientists.

Software engineering is a large and complex discipline and so this NERC short course will focus on the most important and relevant elements for scientists, crucial amongst which are usability, maintainability, accuracy, and readability. These are the foundations of professional code development skills.  We will teach and demonstrate the benefits of good initial design, thorough testing, algorithm re-use and code progression, the ideas of elegance, abstraction, performance and scalability.

There will be two levels to run sequentially with the caveat that applicants for the second level must demonstrate competence at the first level through use of an online assessment.

The courses are aimed principally at PhD students and early career scientists, but all applications will be considered.

Please see for full details.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Big Data Management and Visualization workshop, Harwell, 12th March 2014

Jon Blower will be presenting on ncWMS and the GeoViQua project at this workshop - see below for details. Thanks to Olly Clements and the teams at PML and the EarthServer project for putting this together!

Big Data Management and Visualisation - Earth Observation Community Workshop
Space Application Catapult - Harwell, Oxfordshire
12th March 2014

This free, one day, technical workshop is aimed at groups/teams that are developing or working with systems used to manage the storage, delivery and visualisation of large scale data sets. The workshop will focus on new/emerging technologies and techniques aimed at providing solutions for the management of big data.

Data are being created at faster and faster rates. To make use of these data new systems and paradigms need to be used to ensure that the maximum benefit can be obtained from the data. This workshop will focus on two elements of these emerging systems; storage/query of large scale data and effective visualisation of the data.

To register your interest for either attending or presenting your work, please visit and follow the information there.